The CIRCULess Project has officially started in July 30, 2024, with a virtual meeting, and in October 2-3 had its Physical Kick-off Meeting, at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), in Gjøvik, Norway!

CIRCULess is a 42-month EU funded project, that brings together a 20 partner consortium, to work together on fostering circularity in the construction and manufacturing process industries, by minimizing Construction and Demolition waste (C&DW) as well as Manufacturing waste (MW), with focus on mineral and timber-based material streams, by developing new processes for circularity of secondary materials from wastes/residues for all industrial processes, without compromising quality and performance as well as sustainable-by-design circular products. CIRCULess project will experiment new circular products and processing techniques to improve quality and performances of secondary materials up to industry standards and improve environmental friendliness. These actions will be supported by a tailored digital platform for waste management, orienting decision making & operation, while recommendations for standards updates and relevant training material for both upskilling and training will be created.

CIRCULess Physical Kick-off Meeting brought together consortium partners in a 2-day event, both in person and virtually, to discuss project activities and planning, while it also involved a team-building exercise strengthening collaboration among partners, visits to NTNU laboratories and 2 social dinners in the beautiful city of Gjøvik, altogether fostering a successful collaboration for the next months!

CIRCULess project is coordinated by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Our Project partners: AIMEN Centro Tecnológico I Holcim I Omtre I FORESTIA I Gjøvik Kommune I National Technical University of Athens I DTU – Technical University of Denmark I Luleå University of Technology I UNE – Asociación Española de Normalización I IRES I Global Consulting Sustainability AS I Eindhoven University of Technology I TECNALIA Research & Innovation I Volbas I University of Thessaly I bAvenir I TheGreenTech I Zerofect I University of Hertfordshire

Stay tuned for forthcoming updates on this exciting project!

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